Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Human Impacts on the Ecosystem!

The main human impact that has been seen as one of the main issues in Ecuador is

the oil drilling that was done by Chevron/Texaco in the late 1960's-1990's. Many studies show that there is a higher cancer rate in places where oil drilling is practice. As well, a higher rate of incidences of child leukemia, and children born with birth defects (Hurtig, San Sebastián 2001). Oil drilling has also caused the contamination of water and air.
Due to deforestation, many of the native vegetation has been eliminated. Indeed, the practice of clear-cutting has caused mass extinction of plants and species in the Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador.  

Because of Chevron occupying the space in the Amazon the oil has sunk into the oil, water and impacted both the environment and the people living there! There is an extreme rate of cancer in children and birth defects and miscarriages with pregnant women. (1)

Ecuador is suffering because of a multinational corporation: Texaco (now known as Chevron). This is an example of when profit is put before people and the environment. the indigenous people of Ecuador live off the land and need the water for drinking, bathing and fishing and because of the oil leaking into it they are suffering tremendously! (2)

To learn more watch this video: http://vimeo.com/54970008

"The Ecuadorian communities were the victims of exploitation by a multinational corporation, Texaco. Their lives, and that of their children, are affected by the toxic waters that leaked into water sources on which they are dependent. This is the real issue, and it is a story that is all too common throughout the developing world. With their legal team on trial, who will pursue justice for the Ecuadorian plaintiffs now?" (3)

1 Childhood Leukemia Article

2 Chevrontoxico.com
3 Huffington Post: Ecuadorian's Victims Struggle for Justice against Chevron

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